It´s time for a Thank You

As you may have read, I took 6 months of from my work in autumn 2023 to conduct a research visit to Taylor´s University in Selangor - right next to Kuala Lumpur. Now, three weeks after returning home it is time to reflect on this wonderful experience and start by sharing thanks.

1) Thank you / Terima kasih to Taylor´s University for having me

”Look beyond obvious” has been a motto of mine and as it happens this does take me into circumstances I would not have dreamed of. As I found out about Taylor´s well recognized and valued programmes it was clear this would be a perfect place for me to continue my research as I wished to learn more about a totally different market than in Finland. With all the arrangement and paperwork that goes into planning such an exchange for the first time at PhD level, my experience with Taylor´s was top notch.

Biggest thanks I wish to send out to Associate Professor, Head of School, School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events Joaquim Dias Soreiro, with whom from the very first Teams meeting I felt great connection as we live and breath for our field of business. Guidance throughout my visit was greatly appreciated! Also, I wish to express my thanks to Dr Neethiahnanthan A/L M Ari Ragavan, Executive Dean - Faculty of Social Sciences & Leisure Management for supporting this visit.

2) Thank you for peer support - Greetings to my fellow PhD students on the 6th floor

THE 6th floor is home for Research. I was really impressed with the passion and hard work my fellow scholars from different countries put in to their studies. With all discussions, sharing experiences and support… days at the PhD lounge were so great! I have so many new friends, from India, China, Malaysia, Egypt - all of them super smart and kind. Learning both from different cultures, research topics and personalities is an experience I will cherish!

3) Thank you for supporting my research visit

Organizing a research visit takes time and patience. Without the support from my home University, Estonian Business School and funding from The Foundation for Economic Education this visit would not have been possible. Thank you for believing in me and in my research!

4) Thank you for… Everything

My family <3 The best family in the world.


Calling Malaysian hospitality experts: Change capacity survey - take part!