Privacy policy

Registrar and the person responsible for the register

Heidi Vähänikkilä

Basis for keeping the register

Personal data is collected for a business relationship based on a contract or on the basis of another factual connection or registered person with consent. Processing based on consent is possible cancel at any time.

Collection, processing, and storage of personal data

The purpose of processing personal data is to communicate with potential business partners and/or marketing. We do not collect, store or process unnecessary information, and we will not keep your information longer than necessary for its purpose of the use or as required by contract or law. The storage periods of personal data vary depending on the purpose of use and depending on the situation.

Protection of personal data storage of personal data

Collected personal information is kept confidential and is not disclosed to others than those who need them in their work or confidentially and limited by agreement to our contractual partners, such as our subcontractors.

Access to your personal data is limited and protected, the most common in the industry with practices such as user-specific IDs, passwords and with access rights.

What information do we collect?

With Squarespace's integrated data analytics tool, we collect the following information:

Traffic alerts
Traffic sources
Search keywords
Activity log
Form & button conversions
Site content
Site search keywords
RSS subscribers

When you send us an inquiry, we collect the following information:

- Your name
- Email

Where do we collect this information?

The information to be saved in the register can be obtained from e.g. website forms, e-mail, phone, and social media through services, contracts, customer meetings, and other situations where the customer discloses their information with the consent.


Our website uses cookies so that your experience on our site would be as good as possible. We give you the option to accept cookies voluntarily.

We use cookies for our services and website development, targeting and optimization of marketing, and for analyzing user data. It is possible to prohibit the use of cookies in the settings. Please note that blocking cookies may limit the site's functionality.

Data transfer

In some situations, your data may be transferred to the EU or EEA outside. Some of the services we use may be located outside the EU.

Rights related to the processing of personal data

A person in the register has the right to check the register's stored data. The inspection request must be sent in writing and signed by e-mail to the address

The registrant has the right to request your correction of incorrect information regarding the aforementioned procedure in accordance with. The person in the register has the right to request the deletion of information from the register. The request must be sent in writing and signed by e-mail to the address

The registrants have access to the EU General Data Protection Regulation rights, such as restricting the processing of personal data in certain situations. A person in the register can be given his consent indicates electronic direct marketing. The registrant has the right to withdraw their consent at any time.